Category Archives: character design


Defying Gravity Sketch

Coffee. Black.

The final Voyager piece (that I know of!) I suppose I should have posted it before the group shot! Ah well.

This was requested a long long time ago and I only just remembered it! Sorry it took so long Caron from

Star Trek Voyager: The Animated Series

It’s been a while since my last post (having a new baby will do that for you!), but here I am with my Star Trek Voyager: The Animated Series concept finally finished! Let me know your thoughts! 🙂


I’m really enjoying doing these stylized versions of characters. 🙂

Death’s Head vs Hulk

In celebration of the fantastic return of Death’s Head tomorrow in Marvel Heroes issue 33!

Flash! AHHHHH!!!!!

Superman: The Man of Steel

Bit of Thursday arvo fun! I’ve always loved Bruce Timm and Paul Dini and after having a chat on twitter the other day with @Temporal173, I was inspired to do this. 🙂

Yoda. Tronized.

Grindhouse Death’s Head

You may remember the inks from a while back for my zombied Death’s Head, well I’ve finally finished the colouring! Halloween gave me a realkick up the butt to get this done. Anyway, here it is in Grindhouse style. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it.